May 10, 2019 – A Message From Camp!
Hi All,
Well, we are officially living out at camp, minus a couple small things from home we are all moved in. I came in for the day on last Friday to find everything looking pretty good. For the first time ever I didn’t have to cut any trees off the road to get in, some brushing needs to be done but compared to other springs it is minimal. The road is in pretty good shape. Some stretches are very good and others not so much. There were some soft spots when we came in so we made a few ruts that I’m hoping to fix before you guys arrive to make the journey a little easier.
Upon arrival Friday the bay in front of camp was still frozen, less about 50 feet or so from shore:
When I came back to camp the next day to spend the weekend, I was surprised to see the ice had left overnight! I stayed for the weekend to begin cleaning the lodge and get things move in ready. I left Monday afternoon to finish up some odds and ends in Ignace, and Mom and I came back out on Wednesday.
Water levels are currently normal but rising. I would expect to see average to even a little high water for opener. The weather has been a little sporadic, some days very warm while others feel like October, cold and rainy. It’s still dipping below freezing most nights, but that has been forecasted to change. There is lots of warm weather and some sun in our future.
In the meantime we are busy out here getting everything ready for the arrival of our first guests. If you need to reach us it’s best to email or use our summer number, 807 934 6911.
We look forward to seeing everyone and another great season!